"We need to stop him. "When Pastor Bob left, people definitely left too because they wanted to follow him or because they were just hurt," says Healy, the longtime church member. Ill let the matter stand. I had a CCer proclaim on the other blog one time, Chuck would NEVER lie!, and I commented, wow, thats amazingyou mean Chuck Smith is perfect now like Jesus and hes never lied since he became saved? What Calvary does now, will be interesting to see. Hugh, Crap, another curse? This is the real price of sin in our lives, fully on display. But something is stopping them from allowing that to happensomething they really do not want to share. Also, I notice Chef is no longer listed as a pastor. Most of those folks may stop sinning in some areas, but then the sin of pride and self-righteousness (which the bible says god hates) seems to dog this Group post-saved. A poor man has the few options left to him when she leaves him with his shame. I remember when and Bob Coy with Pastor Mark Davis called me to confront me on my infidelity. Your soteriological arrogance is nauseating. No one really being in charge overseeing what was going on. We are all vulnerable. Amen to #639, especially your last paragraph, Ps40. As far as I can see Bob Coy hasnt been allowed to stay in his sin like the WV thing was about last week. Why was he bound and have we seen the results of that binding? I have no crusading vendetta. But let me give you a hint, in apocalyptic literature, every time thrones are mentioned it is a heavenly scene. The way we are transformed is by accepting the Rest that remains. ", Like Smith, though, Coy used his relaxed persona to sell a deeply conservative brand of Christianity. what is your real motives for this? MLD, so Isaiah is the Old Testament, therefore it is invalid. He must be sighing in disappointment. Baker and haggard were false teachers. Matt. Where did you ever get the idea that the millennium was to be disneyland?? I have read SO MANY comments from Bob Coy followers that said, Bob always said to us, If you trust in me, I will let you down. Sheesh. Im not too concerned about Bob Coy right now. It would be interesting to see how Bob spoke about this topic in his messages. It is difficult to go to church and see this level of temptation going on. Well, thats simply not true either and not quantifiable. A man has been overcome in a trespass, perhaps a series of trespasses. If they were told that , it is no secret where they are. Not me. Adultery is a common thread throughout the 66 books. This website is, usually, dominated by people that hold to one very narrow view of eschatology. Weve had too much of that here lately and it hurts us all. All after his Jessica Hahn scandal as a minister. A few things to keep in mind BC may have said look to Jesus but his actions did not. Someday, all our sins will be revealed, you may be surprised who has hidden this type of sin, how prevalent it is, and how many are struggling to not be exposed for fear of being treated like we are treating Bob Coy. By the way, the dwarfs are for the dwarfs. I agree with Michael, that MacArthur is being grossly misrepresented here. Any recent full frontals of his mistresses? Im off to bed. ``I said, `Daddy, no, no, no, no.. 2. Hopefully cooler heads prevail. Lori, I cant help but remember the hell you went through and how long it lasted. Really? Coy's flock, which had followed him for decades as the church became Florida's largest, was devastated. And dont forget that one of MacArthurs disciples, Francis Chan, is constantly preaching that American Christians are too rich and need to give it away to the world, as part of his works-based errors concerning the Gospel. Thats just the sad reality of sin I forgive you. Pastor Bob has said time & time again that you dont go to church for him you go to church for a connection to god. You should not trouble yourself with this man. Answer mine first! I blame myself somewhat for allowing myself to be afraid of confronting him since I had no physical evidence. Youre free not to believe me. No one is perfect, thats why we are just human flesh. Please disagree with vigor if you choose, but lets not make it personal. By entering your email and clicking Sign Up, you're agreeing to let us send you customized marketing messages about us and our advertising partners. Bob is an example of what God can do with a man open to His correction. 87 . Do you think God is happy with Newnham right now? #470 IMO the way the women looked going to that church was a big problem that no one addressed. Coy was banging 2 woman in the last year if not more where was his brain??? Ill note #10 as I update the article shortly. I speaketh not about Bob Coyeth, but about the living stones that compriseth the church of God, that you and your luciferian minions cannot stand against as His church marcheth triumphant!!! I think its a fair request. Grow up. So if one is in agreement with the end time position of CCFL, they would not want to sit under Tullians teachings. I wonder what happened to the 61 million raised. Where is bob? Charles Ward Chuck Smith (June 25, 1927 October 3, 2013) was an American pastor who founded the Calvary Chapel movement.Chuck Smith (pastor). Irenaeus taught dispensationalism in the 2nd century. This becomes a learning lesson that the bigger the church the more safeguards it has to have and the less pastor-centric it has to become. That case was settled out of court, but the attorney who brought the case says that, in general terms, Smith's habit of forgiving and rehiring pastors who have committed sexual offenses is a recipe for disaster. You hate the answer. Hes probably dirtier than Pastor Bob. If they are true, there is a greater problem than Bob Coys moral failure. Or is it a place to intermingle the heathen with the saved? Donnyplease clean it up. Diane was the first pulled out of the car. The Calvinist teaching does not coincide with Gods nature and Gods love as revealed in Scripture! I have spent years hearing people around me saying, Bob Coy is so funny!, Bob Coy knows how to do church! ad nauseum. There is are discrepancies in CCFTLs numbers, not mine. The sexual assault claims, which have never before been divulged, raise new questions about the pastor, his church, and the police who handled the case. His fame went to his head. David did not have the risen Jesus supposedly living in his heart, nor the power and anointing of the holy spirit that they claim, as current day proponents of the good news. As an attendee of this church I am shocked and disappointed. Id wager something huge that Bob is not who they all think he is. I plainly tell you who I am, where I am coming from and what I believe and you continue to assert that I am something other than what I claim. Your story sounds credible, about Fidel Gomez. For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them. (Eph. What are you talking about BD, the context was always Isaiah 11, I never made reference to Rev 5, you did, pulling a Jehovahs Witness move, instead of dealing with the passage, jumping somewhere that had nothing to do with the millennium that I was addressing, so you could try to prove your point, and your pretense at trying to be superior is typical of preterists when they cant defend their view! The blog host has spent the week publishing positive, restorative articles after the news broke. The inner circle or big givers got to have dinner with DC and BC. I am curious about when men have this happen to them (especially if theyre caught as opposed to confessing) if there are other issues that need to be looked at? Then go to the board of CCFTL and get it. oh yes garbage. "If we go off the record, I could tell you a lot," he says. I love the nuts. According to Jesus definition of adultery, you are just as much an adulterer as Bob Coy is! , -, -, ; , . Pastor Bob was screwing women other than his wife. True spirituality is to be able to live with unanswered questions, dear Lorenzo. Lots of pain and fallout behind the scenes, Im sure. Really? I think its cheap entertainment. Thank you. Whether you are a participant in CCFL or not, the bigger picture here is that Pastor Bob is not Jesus! Kassanndra Cantrell a lady from Tacoma, Washington, disappeared in 2020 without leaving behind much evidence. I loved the book and I want yall to pop over, read the review and see reasons why I think you would like it too. John Macarthur has been teaching that one can take the Mark of the Beast and still be redeemed for more than 30 years. Hes too plugged in there. As she saw how the machinery kept him alive after his spirit had died, she knew that was not the fate she wanted for herself. I dont find that in the NT you will need to show me. Coy aligned his fledgling church with Calvary Chapel, a movement started in Southern California in the 1960s by Chuck Smith, a laid-back West Coaster who wore Hawaiian shirts while he preached a fire-and-brimstone, old-school religion. Would I rather blindly go church shopping through the yellow pages OR maybe narrow the search to 4-5 churchs that were RECOMMENDED? Jimmy Baker ended up serving five years in jail of his 45 year sentence. Then all were invited up to search their hearts. An officer noted the information and called the victim, who was then a teenager. ", "I haven't prayed enough for my Pastor Bob and his family," Beth Graber wrote. Dont give the devil his way and cast stones. But let me ask this why dont you listen to what the apostles said about this period? People would drive by our home, honk their horns and scream terrible things at us. Calvary Chapel Fort Lauderdale (CCFL) is an evangelical, charismatic megachurch in Florida, with over 20,000 worshipers attending on average. One harsh standard for othersthen grace! and mercy! and not the same standard when its time for the pastor to pay for his sins. I know nothing more then that he got caught. One adversary is seduction. Grace and mercy abounds. Beyond that, Ive got absolutely nothing. where Jesus, in speaking of his return, spoke of this 1,000 yr earthly reign. Good or them!!! E, I would also question that you didnt know right from wrong before you were saved. Once again MLD is right. The church Coy helped build has moved on without him, but the national Calvary organization has struggled. Thats a fact. http://derekthornton71.blogspot.com/2014/04/fallen-king-cirian-war-saga-by-eric.html. Physically and mentally- and this blog helped me tremendously because there were others here who shared the same story. So Coy gets the pass because it is normal and I get the ridicule. Flynn, And no I dont listen to Chuck Missler or have a Schofield, I just read the Bible, you should try it sometime!. My hearts desire was for healing and restoration of the many people he hurt and for his repentance. Mark, are you kidding? We are so angry at one another so jealous, so accusing. Comment. Just answer the question! Agreed Michael. Sorry, been in and outlong night on many fronts. These are well documented facts. We are sinners. Who gets the title? The most serious claim against Calvary's national church came in 2011, when four men in Idaho filed a federal suit alleging a youth minister named Anthony Iglesias had molested them between 2000 and 2003. She subsequently said she does not want the abuse made public and even asked for the record to be destroyed, though she was informed that that would be against the law. One more thing, Lorenzo, thats a pretty good article. I have proof. Leadership made every effort to let the staff and church hear directly from leadership rather than rumor by calling meetings for Sunday, our source, who asked not to be identified, told us. The best article Ive read on the subject thus far! "Our former pastor was caught in sin," Lowe said April 16, according to the Sun Sentinel. independent local journalism in Miami. This place has a gifting for helping saints deal with things like you are going thru. We should have stoned that adulterer. She can immerse herself into a good story no matter the genre or form and only come out from it when she's had her fill. Im pretty sure if it had been men, that Coy would have got nuked at a higher temperature. he returns to earth 2.) The make-up session with DC was at the auction so it was bid on. You are a liar and you need to repent. The danger with the Calvary Chapel transformation Gospel is that it makes your walk and your fruit the evidence of your official saved-ness. Blessings on your search. He has bought out 7 churches in a small area and there is another church following in his footsteps also doing the same. He is a human that, if I may point out, has transformed MANY MANY MANY lives over several years and has grown CCFL into an amazing place of worship. pS Dont forget to include Delilah in your prayers tonight:). You may act almost Muslim like around women like you say but there are a lot of ways the devil can knock you on your can too. Its interesting that it was Jesus who made it personal when in essence he said; you can condemn this woman if youve never sinned, I think specially the men need to search their hearts and ask, have I ever committed adultery, whether the actual act or lusting in my heart, have I ever viewed pornography, the scriptures say to the young man, flee youthful lusts The sexual desire is stronger in our youth, so if youre a man whos 65-70 years old, you probably wont have a problem or temptation in this area, your problem might be with pride, or something else, If youre a woman you probably cant relate to someone who has a problem with pornography, since men are visual creatures and women are feeling oriented, thus a womans problem might be more with gossip or romantic fantasies like they portray in these Harlequin novels, and no wonder these pastors are so idealized especially by women. "We need answers.". Brian Brodersen is the senior pastor of Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa, the president of the Calvary Chapel Bible College, and the director of Creation Fest (UK). The problem here is, that you are a skeptic, period. The rock band that usually played raucous hymns to start services was missing. He found work as the entertainment director at the Jolly Trolley, a storefront casino and strip club, where he said he wasted away his early 20s in a haze of sex, coke, and alcohol. I want to see for myself. We are living in times unlike any other time in history, when did you ever hear of kids sexting, porn at the click of a button, drugs (marihuana) legalized, same sex marriage being made the law of the land, its a war the Bible says that is raging with the devil knowing that his time is short, woe onto you inhabitants of the earth for the devil comes down to you with great wrath knowing that his days are short So we have casualties of war, BC is a casualty of this war, one who needs healing and restoration, not expulsion and condemnation! Bob Coy may not have been a good pastor but he was a great Bible teacher (amalekites, perizzites, canaanites OH MY!) Period. It would be good to listen to her insight. In 1989, CadZZilla, a customized 1949 Cadillac, was commissioned by ZZ Top's Billy Gibbons, conceived by Jack Chisenhall, and designed by Chisenhall and Larry Erickson. The reason for the resignation is a "moral failing," according to Calvary Chapel leaders, as reported by the Christian Post. , Now, using your best effort, not to be like us and not being consistent, in denying the literal aspects of scripture and have to do exegetical gymnastics and use pretzel logic to try to prove their conclusions that the Bible does not mean what it says,- as you said. To know love is the greatest..certainly the church body has some seeking to do. Scumbag needs a good beating for destroying the lives of so many. If one sticks around for awhile, those friendships and identities will develop. ty10124 1 yr. ago. Thank you Jesus, your mercies are new every day:). When the Pastor goes to a local college and tacks posters all over on his upcoming Bible study Did Jesus really have s+x? The superstar life isnt good for anyone. They were the ones with the power to fire him, and they did so. Andy, I made a couple of comments to Mary! Thank you for sharing this hard news, Michael. We have an enemy and it is not Pastor Bob. Now, like all humbled sinners should, may he experience effective and redemptive compassion from those that love him. Look up all the scenes with thrones and Gods people gathered around and determine if it is on earth or in heaven. Not so, true Christianity is to be able to answer the question truthfully that you and your ilk are continually asking when it comes to other peoples sins, but your cowardice and hypocrisy shows, as you deviate the question with empty hallmark pseudo wisdom, well heres one for you whats good for the goose is good for the gander! I still attend CCFL because I believe that I can help some of the younger members. Hes resigned so let it be. My information is that he doesnt have a snowballs chance in hell of coming back. He wrote a very good book, I Was Wrong in 1996. You, however, are Martin Luthers disciple, so we know where to find the beliefs you swiped. God knew from the beginning who would choose him or not choose him and based on what mans choice would be God chose man so predestination is mentioned but its according to his foreknowledge that he chose us as it clearly states in 1Peter 1:2. even a little. I guess it can happen to anyone to be star struck. You give yourself a severe disadvantage by doing so, whenever you are discussing doctrine with someone. CCFTL knew this could break wide open by Friday night/Saturday morning. We did not have the luxury of all those in ministry on his payroll. When Smith burnt people down like this they never came back. You have no idea how enamored people are with this man. Other than him, hopefully we have not acted on it but we are all the same in Gods eyes. I have not been to this site in quite sometime (If anyone doubts that , Im sure Michael can verify that, right Michael?) When we forget that, thats when we abuse the offices entrusted to us, men and women both. Pride is something that could be seen from his pulpit for many years now. If the preponderance of evidence makes it useless to fight, they resign. @616 The covenant with the many is for seven years. I hear bible preaching and teaching being translated into military and sports metaphors all the time. Im not one to split hairs but The first meeting place for CC was in a funeral home behind Albertsons in FT Lauderdale, now it is true they moved for a bunch of years to Pompano but only with temporary zoning variances off Gateway but were deigned permission to a become permanent church location, therefore they never settled there. Michael, what is your intention with this? No, there are 2 parts to this Gods and mans. Even worse, they said church officials knew full well he was a pedophile: He'd been kicked out of another Calvary youth ministry in California after being charged with sex crimes there. Does that corroborate with what youve heard? list . His first major customer was Vern Luce whose car, a 1933 coupe, won the Al Slonaker Award at the 1981 Oakland Roadster show. To bag on sisters and brothers who are as convinced of their conclusions as you are of yours is ungracious, short-sighted, erodes your credibility, and fosters division in the church. In fact in scripture the Lamb IS the Lion because of symbolism. Michael, my cell phone is if You have anything youd like to say to me. My first teaching exposure at CCFtl was about Hosea and Gomer. Part of HuffPost Religion. Please Note wins with best line AND most clever word! Some of Coddington's signature innovations were his custom-fabricated alloy wheels, typically machined from a solid aluminum billet, an industry first. I will be giving more information as it is vetted. Please provide verse my bible does NOT say bar code. I wan tho know ow long has he been having affairs Michael, if you have concret evidence that he committed adultery and was addicted to pornography can u provide any other details? I am a crazy renewal charismatic and a covenant theologian but NOT a Calvinist. Restoration is made as one is able whether its money or whatever. 7. We dont speculate. Share. Give Mercy and you will find mercy ! Andy, OK, you go with that but to hold your position you have to call Peter a liar in Acts 2. Nearly 18 years on and there is still so much for the Lord to heal. I pray that he must show true repentance and fruit before he is ever allowed to preach from any pulpit, and I pray that process is not rushed along as we often have seen happen in the past with other fallen pastors. 4given By that account we are all guilty, except it would seem for MLD.. Krent, Why do you express yourself behind screen names? I can only speak for myself, I want that I say to be more important that who I am. Fidel has mentioned cheating on Theresa several, several times during his sermons. Who Is Bob Coy's Wife? - Ourhairstyle They did for a while, but after she SWAT Season 6 Episode 16: Now that the new S.W.A.T. Why else would Mrs. Coy leave? Michael Newham, have you ever committed adultery? Aka Danny Damond. He attended machinist trade school and completed a three-year apprenticeship in machining. It was masterful manipulation off the main issue. From what I heard Coy had a dozen or so businesses which were probably all ministry related. Deal with that and then come talk to me. 20:2 and a great chain. I like to know everyones sin here and blog about it. To Michael (#646), It isnt the case that the MLK crime scene was unprotected. A religious liberty newsletter that is a must-read for people of faith. The problem with fame and fortune is that the temptations multiply a hundred fold, so dont be surprised if you hear of more men of renown to be found out eventually as to their secret sins. Did she die? Seems sad, really. Revelation is mixed with both things fulfilled and things unfolding. 16 And there shall be a highway for the remnant of His people, that shall remain from Assyria, like as there was for Israel in the day that he came up out of the land of Egypt. Anonymous you mean CCFtl being Pre? Payne had experience with sensitive cases involving sex crimes; earlier that year, he'd investigated a high-ranking cop for allegedly assaulting a 13-year-old girl. So here is one for you. In this blog, I want to share with you my thoughts on how the Catholic faith affects our lives. Luther wrote what he wrote, so you go with that, no matter what. The guilty person must be reprimanded publicly to generate remorse that may lead to his repentance. Thank you Bob Sweat, Paige and others who have gone through thisthank you for speaking truth and speaking with love and grace. Mother and daughter are reeling from shock..asking themselves why they did not recognize the absence of authentic Christian character in the fallen mega-pastor. I completely agree with Michelle @175. Sexual sin is appealing, addictive and readily available especially in this internet age and when the relationship at home is not following Gods plan and design (and yes, it even happens in homes of church leaders) it gives way to justification for sin to prevail. The4Gospels present Him as Risen, do you trust in, rely on, and cling to this Risen Jesus as your only source of life? , : , . I think he (Stanley) was the first to do this. Sure would make the shame easier to bear.. Andy, did you get your 691 out of a Chick comic book? Notice how all Christians are all supposed to get along with one another, kumbayah, and yet when a (secondary?) What does numbers have to do with anything? Is Chuck Smith of Calvary Chapel still living? And there they go, a lamb is not a lion a lion and a lamb are the same lol, anybody want a pretzel? 15 And the LORD will utterly destroy the tongue of the Egyptian sea; and with His scorching wind will He shake His hand over the River, and will smite it into seven streams, and cause men to march over dry-shod. Doctors performed surgery; despite the prognosis of a complete recovery, Coddington died on February 27, 2008. Ive heard bits and pieces of it, but never read it all. is it possible you source could be wrong. A man who cheats does so because he is a cheater and has no respect for his wife. Even more reason the transformation gospel is a myth. MLD wrote: I havent brought up Luther once. I myself am a disciple of Jesus, so read what he said not what Luther said: 15 So when you see standing in the holy place the abomination that causes desolation,[a] spoken of through the prophet Daniellet the reader understand 16 then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains. 1. [7] That whole situation made everyone pleased. Get over yourself. We spoke to the pastor about John Macarthurs false teachings and extensive connections to the New World Order, but he would not listen and could not believe that Macarthur was anything but godly man. I forgive him and i still love him. This sorrow proceeding merely from the fear of punishment, is called legal repentance, as being excited by the terrors of legal penalties, and it may exist without an amendment of life. You had better get pants with a stronger zipper if that is the case. In 1968, he moved to California building hot rods by day and working as a machinist at Disneyland during the night. Im in good standing with my church and those Im accountable to. She works with children! Power corrupts and if you know your pastor isnt Jesus, then dont tempt him and stumble him with all that power that only a Jesus wouldnt be corrupted by. Can Bob recover? Frankly, they have been the source of the majority of the venom but I think most of us realize these are people in a sort of shock at the news, who are hurting and whose trust has been violated and are lashing out. Bob has helped save thousands with his teaching and we should leave the punishment up to God and pray that he will repent and use this fall to come back stronger than ever. That is a bummer about Chet. Its human nature. Do those people have a right to know?. He boasted of a vast media reach. My moneys on Michaeland everything Im hearing from my sources confirms it. Vengeance is mine sayeth the Lord, I will repay!!! I am. Then Outreach Pastor Chet Lowe specifiedto the congregation that Coy "committed adultery with more than one woman" and "committed sexual immorality, habitually, through pornography.". The children inside the vehicle have no pulse except Diane's son Bryan. This is all speculation and I dont think MacArthur should do this kind of thing. View the profiles of people named Diane Coy. The conversation is humorous. But peace to you anyways. If you think it is to avoid war, famine and sickness you are wrong. We gotta start getting this right. Flynn, I havent reseached this in its entirety but there seems to be 89 verses on election. It takes some man to teach people to come to those conclusions that you would never come to without that man. Someone else may have more info on this subject. Go to Him as a child and offer your heart as a servant He will guide your steps. saddened by the news regarding BC and CCFL. The victim wife of another scandal set up camp at a near by church SO if anyone can recommend a smaller church, please let me know. The internetbeing able to attend service from your computer also became possible. Instead the idolaters slay the messenger. We had to depend on recommended books and the Lord.and blogs like this. I fight another battle and if you click on my erunner name it will take you to the blog Ive run for six years because of the help of Michael who runs this blog. dont condemn someone on rumors. Coy resigned fromCalvary Chapel Fort Lauderdale, which he founded in 1985 and grew to become one of the largest churches in the nation, in April 2014. Agree with BDs #775. If you were trying to help and that help in some way exposed something evil-there were plans to rid of you. This thread will be closed shortly so I can have an evening to do other things. It was catholic Augustine that popularized the false amillennial position, since he envisioned the catholic church as taking control of the world (dominionism back before it was widespread). He resigned. Some who have been mistreated by Coy will rejoice and have an I told you so attitude and I understand that. The Asst Pastors are pretty weak with the exception of Bill Schott BUT he is a teacher and not evangelical. Mary! So his wife and kids just need to realize that this is the reality of life and BC is no worse or better than the average man, perhaps even a better man a stronger man, who is going through this facing the ravenous wolves that most of you have become! We are all fools if we judge a fellow brother.to the amount of forgiveness and grace and mercy we give, it is given to us.go light on your brother, for we have been forgiven much.. anything else is not of Christ.beware.and anyone who tries to twist it, discipline is always meant for restoration. Humiliation breeds humility. She'd never even told her family about the crimes. I now wonder how long leadership has been aware of issue. He can survive this and serve the Lord. Every man of God gets tempted by the three Gs.. But that doesnt mean you are any less capable of doing the same bad things you did before you were officially savedand the mindset is that, Well hed never do that, hes been transformed by the power of Jesus!well, no, that isnt true. Flynn, youre like a bull in a china shop. When we fall, we have to model the humility and fidelity to the Scriptures that we demand they recognize.then model the love, grace, and restoration to the body that proves our complete fidelity. Our goal is to help you along your discipleship journey and enjoy a full life as a follower of Christ.. He was discharged shortly after New Year's Eve, but was readmitted a few days later to Presbyterian Intercommunity Hospital in Whittier, California.